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Department of Food Security and Biotechnology

Information to the applicant

Dear entrant, we are glad to welcome you to the page of the Department of Food Safety and Biotechnology of the A.Baitursynov KRU!


Biotechnology is a fairly new discipline and has not yet been fully studied. It is much more interesting than ordinary biology, because in the process of studying and working, specialists develop completely new substances, products, and medicines.

A biotechnologist is engaged in the production of products and materials necessary for humans using biological objects, DNA technologies and biological processes

Professional skills of a biotechnologist:

  • Ownership of laboratory equipment.
  • Sampling.
  • Conducting analyses and laboratory tests.
  • Analysis of microbiological indicators.
  • Conducting research by PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and Real-time.
  • Study and research of gene functions and creation of DNA markers.
  • Work with DNA cells, bacteriophages.
  • Molecular biological cloning.
  • Cultivation of microorganisms.
  • Maintenance of technical documentation.

List of Bachelor of Science positions in Biotechnology:

  • Biotechnologist, microbiologist technician, food processing engineer, quality engineer, research biologist, biopharmacologist, biochemist, geneticist, genetic engineer, college lecturer, researcher, architect of living systems, bioengineer, designer of substances and drugs (drag designer)

Objects of professional activity of a biotechnologist:

  • research institutes and universities of biotechnological, biological, medical, agricultural profile;
  • production enterprises of food processing, microbiological and pharmaceutical industries;
  • environmental services and organizations;
  • laboratories for quality and safety control of food, pharmaceutical and agricultural products;
  • research laboratories; breeding stations;
  • educational organizations.

There are three levels of education at the department: bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies. Training of specialists is conducted in the state and Russian languages.

For admission:

  • Profile subjects UNT: Biology and Chemistry
  • Passing score: 50

Groups of educational programs - В068 Food production

For admission on the basis of 11 classes:

  • Profile subjects of the UNT: Biology and Chemistry
  • Passing score: 50

For admission on the basis of TaVE:

  • Profile subjects: Biology and Microbiology
  • Passing score: 25

Who is a technologist and what does he do?

  • The concept of technology entered the production terminology from the ancient Greek language. Initially, it referred to crafts. The one who knew how to create something with his hands owned the technology. Now "technology" is understood as the principle of production. The technologist is responsible for the stages and sequence of production of the finished product.

Who is suitable for the profession of a technologist?

  • first of all, a technologist should have well-developed logical thinking. It helps to effectively build all production processes.
  • neatness and attentiveness are indispensable. They contribute to the rapid detection of malfunctions and inaccuracies.
  • given the vastness and rigor of technological processes, specialists should have a good memory. Basic knowledge about working with equipment and its device will also be useful.

What tasks does the technologist perform?

  • The technologist is responsible for what needs to be done and in what sequence to get a ready-made quality product. The presence of a competent technologist in the staff of a manufacturing enterprise makes it competitive in the market.

What do people in the profession of food technologist do?

  • selection of equipment for the enterprise;
  • maintenance of technical documentation (drawings of finished products, product manufacturing schemes, production calculations, etc.);
  • product quality control;
  • troubleshooting that caused the manufacture of defective products;
  • introduction of new technologies into the production process that can make the product competitive (improvement and cheapening of production technologies), etc.;
  • testing of a new product and the launch of serial production.

Advantages of the technologist's work

  • the relevance of the profession;
  • high salary (as the length of service is developed);
  • creative self-realization (the ability to invent, fantasize, introduce new things).

Groups of educational programs - В076 Standardization, certification and metrology (by industries)

For admission on the basis of 11 classes:

  • Profile subjects of the UNT: Physics  and Mathematics
  • Passing score: 60

For admission on the basis of TaVE:

  • Profile subjects: Physics  and Standardization
  • Passing score: 25

What is standardization and certification?

  • Standardization and certification is a whole science that studies, analyzes, generalizes and formulates patterns of production processes in order to achieve their optimal degree of order. In practical terms, it consists in the development and application of regulatory, technical and methodological documents based on the State Standardization System. The use of various forms and methods of standardization and certification contributes to the development of the national economy, improving production efficiency and product quality, and increasing the standard of living of the population.

 Who is suitable for the profession of a standardization engineer?

  • first of all, a standardization engineer should have well-developed logical thinking. It helps to effectively build all production processes.
  • neatness and attentiveness are indispensable. They contribute to the rapid detection of malfunctions and inaccuracies.
  • given the vastness and rigor of technological processes, specialists should have a good memory. Basic knowledge about working with equipment and its device will also be useful.

What tasks does a standardization engineer perform?

  • A standardization engineer develops design and technical documentation, draws up a project to create new or improve existing methods of quality management, metrological support and standardization, designs technical specifications of standards, techniques, instructions.

 What do people of the profession do standardization and certification in food production?

  • planning and organization of standardization and certification activities;
  • regular inspection of the standards and technical conditions used in production;
  • constant monitoring of compliance with the rules and requirements for products established in the organization;
  • assessment of the level of marriage, taking measures to eliminate and prevent it;
  • organization of control over the evaluation of the quality of finished products;
  • preparation of applications and technical specifications for certification and development of standards;
  • preparation of plans for the introduction of new measuring equipment;
  • certification and metrological control of measuring instruments;
  • introduction of modern measurement methods.

Advantages of work standardization and certification

  • a diploma in this specialty gives you the opportunity to work in any industry, scientific field — almost everywhere where there is measuring equipment.
  • the specialty is very much in demand in international companies.
  • high wages

Where is there an opportunity to work with this profession?

  • Centers of Standardization, Metrology and Certification;
  • laboratories for verification and calibration of instruments and equipment;
  • testing laboratories;
  • commodity examination bodies;
  • state and non-state organizations for product quality control;
  • consumer protection organizations;
  • any organizations introducing new types of products;
  • at any enterprises by quality managers;
  • in the customs service, tax police, patent offices.

6B08201-Technology of production of animal products      

Carries out zootechnical work to improve the breeding and productive qualities of farm animals and poultry, breeding breeding young.

Organizes the rational use of feed, pastures, ensures the introduction of advanced digitalization technologies, systems of maintenance, feeding, livestock care, reproduction at complexes.

Controls the quality of livestock products, studies the causes of its deterioration and seeks to eliminate them, monitors the timing and schedules of product sales, sorting and culling of livestock for sale.

Determines the compliance of manufactured products with the requirements of standards.

Objects of professional activity of the specialist:

  • research institutes and universities of biological, agricultural profile;
  • livestock enterprises, including complexes, breeding plants, commodity farms, producers, etc.:
  • dairy/beef cattle breeding;
  • breeding/productive/sports horse breeding;
  • fine-wool/semi-fine-wool/coarse-wool/semi-coarse-wool sheep breeding;
  • bacon/tallow/combined pig breeding;
  • agricultural poultry: egg/meat poultry; beekeeping; fish farming; fur-bearing animal husbandry; reindeer husbandry;
  • manufacturing enterprises (meat, dairy, beekeeping, poultry farms, wool, etc.) of the processing industry;
  • research laboratories; breeding, testing stations;
  • educational organizations.

List of positions:

  • Public service: Ministry of Agriculture, departments, animal husbandry departments,
  • Specialist in the evaluation of livestock raw materials and products,
  • Head of the laboratory for the quality of animal raw materials and feed,
  • Inspections on breeding business,
  • Operator of robotic systems for meat and dairy production
  • Technologist-manager of the organization of production, processing of livestock products,
  • Chief Animal engineer, animal breeder,
  • Geneticist, zoopsychologist, fish breeder engineer, ichthyologist, reindeer breeder, hunter, poultry breeder, beekeeper, horse breeder,
  • Milk and dairy products technologist, food production technologist,
  • Researcher, teaching activity,
  • Farmer, animal breeder, insemination technician, breeding accountant.

Professional skills of a specialist:

  • preparation of a diet of animals balanced in all components, and control over their proper feeding; control of the health status of the animals kept, their timely vaccination;
  • breeding work (arranging and culling of livestock, securing producers for breeding stock);
  • control over the quality of products, identification of the reasons for its decline, taking measures to correct the situation;
  • ensuring optimal conditions for keeping animals, including preventive measures (disinfection, deratization, cleaning of premises);
  • maintaining primary documentation regarding livestock and reporting; work planning.

Dear applicants, if you have made your choice, we are waiting for you at:
Kostanay, Mayakovsky str., 99/1, building 4, room 106,107.

(Travel by bus No. 10, 24, 25. Stop "University" or "Nauryz microdistrict").

Information by phone: 8-700-430-03-63, 8-7142-55-85-31; 8-707-815-78-22