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Department of Food Security and Biotechnology

Yerish Nurbol Amantaiuly
Senior Lecturer Position
Master of technical sciences Academic degree


  • 2007 Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov. 451740 - Standardization and certification of agricultural products.
  • 2015 Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov. 6М073200 – Standardization and certification.

Subjects taught

  • Fundamentals of standardization
  • Basics of certification
  • Product quality expertise
  • ISO 9001 Quality Management
  • Environmental management system
  • Organization and maintenance of public catering

Certificates/certificates of professional development

  • Technological methods of biologization of spring wheat cultivation using precision farming elements in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan, Belgorod, 11/25/2019 - 12/25/2019.
  • Seminar: "Fundamentals of precision farming", Astana, Agrotechnical University, 01/25/2019.
  • "Technology for making crafts from puff pastry", 72 hours, January 2019.
  • Methodology and technology for conducting webinars and video conferences (Etutorium, BBB), Kostanay, June 2021.
  • "Development of standardization documents for new materials, products, methods", Nur-Sultan, March 2022.

Training manuals

  • Astyktyn sapasyn saraptau (textbook with the stamp RUMS). Textbook on the study of the discipline for students of the specialty 5В073200 - Standardization and certification, Faculty of Agrarian and Biological Sciences, A. Baitursynov KSU, 2018. ISBN 978-601-7955-18-2.
  • Onimnin sapasyn saraptau (textbook with the stamp RUMS). Textbook on the study of the discipline for students of the specialty 5B073200 - Standardization and certification, Agrarian and Biological Faculty, A. Baitursynov KSU, 2018. ISBN 978-601-7955-17-5.


  • Erish N.A., Kalimov N.E., Nugmanov A.B. Kostanay oblysyndagy gylymi-technical progression kazirgі kezeninde egin sharuashhylygyn damytudyn basym bagyttaryn taldau. Baitursynov readings - 2019 materials of the international scientific and practical conference. - Kostanay. 2019. p. 163-166.
  • Erish N.A., Khasenov U.B., Tolemіs T.S., Milovanova D.V. Analysis of the current state of the problem and substantiation of the direction of improving the production of bread at the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex. Bulletin of the Shakarim State University - Semey. No. 2(86) - 2019. pp.172-177.