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Department of Food Security and Biotechnology

Gabdullin Shyngyskhan Sagyndykovich
Senior Lecturer Position
Master of Agricultural Sciences Academic degree
  • 1998-2003 Kostanay Agricultural institute A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University. Technology for production of livestock products.
  • 2012-2014 Technology for production of livestock products. Master of Agricultural Science, cipher 6М080200 Technology for production of livestock products.
 Subjects taught
  • Feeding farm animals
  • Innovative technologies in livestock breeding
  • Biotechnology in animal husbandry
  • Introduction to the specialty
  • Sheep farming, the wool, mutton and krimmer (lamb) skin production technology
  • Genetics with the basics of breeding
  • Modern technology in livestock kormoprigotovleniya
  • Technologies of transportation and processing of fish farming products
  • Processing of bee products
  • Biotechnology basics
  • Comparative Assessment of Meat Qualities of Purebred and Crossbred Kalmyk Bulls. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences 2022, 22 (3): 395.403. (co-authored).
  • Adaptability of Aberdeen-Angus cattle to the conditions of the Kostanay region // International scientific-practical conference "Actual aspects of the integrated protection of animal health", dedicated to the memory of Doctor of Biological Sciences Vitaly Ilyich Ilyashchenko, Kostanay, 29.11.2022.
  • Dynamics of live weight gain of Aberdeen Angus bulls of different genotypes of foreign selection // Electronic scientific journal "Science Diary" DOI 10.51691/2541-8327_2021_4_6, (co-authored).
  • Comparative characteristics of different kits for DNA separation // Collection of scientific papers of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems and Trends in the Development of Modern Agrarian Science and Veterinary Medicine" dedicated to the memory of Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor Piontkovsky Valentin Ivanovich - Kostanay, 2021.
  • Differences in the weight of young Aberdeen-Angus cattle, adapted to the conditions of the southern region of Kostanay region, from bulls-producers-males // Collection of scientific papers of the International scientific-practical conference "Prospects for the development of breeding livestock" dedicated to the day of honoring the 80th anniversary of the Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Naimanov Doskali Kurmashevich - Kostanay, 2020, (co-authored).
National projects
  • Contractor of the working group for the provision of scientific and consulting services for selection and breeding work of various types of farm animals.
  • Project working group executor "To study the epizootological characteristics of the country's territory for especially dangerous diseases and develop veterinary and sanitary measures to improve their effectiveness" No. 04/8-21-32 dated September 7, 2021.