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Department of Food Security and Biotechnology

Kalitka Dmitry Arkadievich
Lecturer Position
Master of Natural Sciences Academic degree


  • 2020 Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov. 5B072800– Technology of processing industries.
  • 2022 Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov. 7М05302 – Chemistry.

Subjects taught

  • Processes and devices for food production
  • Cuisine of the peoples of the world
  • Dessert technology
  • Technology of making cakes and pastries
  • Preparation of cold dishes and snacks
  • Technology of national cuisine in the hotel complex
  • Control and evaluation of the quality of raw materials and food products
  • General technology of food production
  • Food production equipment
  • Technology of general catering products

Certificates/certificates of professional development

  • International summer school "Technologies of agricultural processing" KazNAU named after. Al-Farabi/Certificate 72, June 2020.
  • International Winter School "Green Economy" KazNAU named after. Al-Farabi/Certificate 72, February 2021.

Training manuals

  • Guidelines for the student of the advanced training course for teachers and equivalent persons of organizations of technical and vocational education under the program "Modern approaches in training personnel in the field" Catering", Saidov A.M., Kalitka D.A., 2019 "Kasipkor ».
  • Development of recipes for pasta with the introduction of additives of plant and animal origin: monograph, / Saidov A.M., Kalitka D.A., Balguzhinova J.E. / - Kostanay; KRU named after A. Baitursynov, 2022, 56 s.


  • The article “Quantitative determination of carotenoids by Stellaria Media L.Vill” was published in the collection of articles based on the materials of the CIV student international scientific and practical conference “Scientific community of students of the XXI century. Natural Sciences". Novosibirsk, September 2021 Sibak - Volume 9 (103), p. 31-36.
  • Quantitative determination of the sum of phenolic compounds of Stellaria media L. / D. A. Gate. - Text: direct // Young scientist. - 2022. - No. 19 (414). - S. 1-3.