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Department of Food Security and Biotechnology

Kubekova Bakhyt Zhanaydarovna
Senior Lecturer Position
Master of Agricultural Sciences Academic degree


  • 2007-2011 Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynova - specialty 050802 - Zootechnics.              
  • 2011-2013 Kostanay State University named after A.Baitursynova - master's degree in specialty 6M080200 - Technology for the production of livestock products.             
  • 2018-2021 Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynova - doctoral studies in the specialty 6D080200 - Technology for the production of livestock products.

Subjects taught         

  • Genetics
  • General and molecular genetics
  • Veterinary genetics, horse breeding, horse meat and milk production technology
  • Poultry farming, poultry production technology
  • Breeding in animal husbandry
  • Beekeeping technology

Work experience        

  • 2018- present senior lecturer of A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University.
  • 2013-2018 Lecturer at the Department of TPPZH KSU named after A. Baitursynov.

Certificates/certificates of professional development

  • 2018 Short-term advanced training course "Management of the selection process in dairy cattle breeding" Certificate of LLP "Scientific and innovative center for animal husbandry and veterinary medicine" and ST "Genetics", 1.06.2018 (Astana, 8 hours).
  • 2018 Advanced training courses "Innovative technologies of education at the university" (Russia, Abakan, January 29-February 19, 2018, 72 hours)·        
  • 2018 "English. Beginner" KRU im.A. Baitursynov, 36 h.
  • 2018 Seminar “Application of digital technologies in the agro-industrial complex. Use of ear RFID tags” (Kostanay – NCE RK Atameken, 11/22/2018)·        
  • 2018 Seminar "Peculiarities of veterinary care of dairy herds in commercial farms to increase milk productivity and safety of young animals" ( NCE RK Atameken, 2018).
  • 2018 Seminar "Herd management, production technologies and veterinary services in commercial dairy farms" (NCE RK Atameken, 2018).
  • 2020 Advanced training courses "Designing an educational course in Moodle" (Kostanay, December, 2020, 72 hours).
  • 2020 "Selection and breeding work and reproduction in cattle breeding", Belarus, Minsk, October 2020, 72 hours.
  • 2020 "Seminar on the determination o f hematological blood parameters and isolation o f DNA genes", Poland, Olsztyn, March 2020, 72 hours.
  • 2020 Seminar "Methodology and technology for conducting webinars and video conferences (Etutorium, BBB)", KRU named after A. Baitursynov January, 2021, reg. No. 1984, 36 hours.     
  • 2021 Republican seminar "Measurement uncertainty assessment for verification / calibration and testing laboratories" Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Metrology, February 24-26, 2021, 24 hours.
  • 2022 distance professional development courses on the professional program "Methodology for assessing the educational achievements of students at the university", conducted by ANPOO "Multi-profile Academy of Continuing Education" (April 1-30, 2022, Russia, Omsk, 72 hours).

 Awards and prizes

  • Diploma of the Rector of A. Baitursynov KSU Nametov A.M., March 8, 2015. 
  • Diploma of II degree for participation in the competition "Best scientific work" in the section.
  • "Agricultural Sciences" based on the results of the international scientific and practical conference "Innovative processes of modern science", Prague, Czech Republic, April 19, 2019.
  • Diploma of III degree for the work presented at the International Scientific·  practical conference "Actual problems and trends in the development of modern agricultural science and veterinary medicine", dedicated to the memory of Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor Valentin Ivanovich Piontkovsky. 06/18/2021 Kostanay.
  • Diploma of the 1st degree and a badge in the republican youth competition·Republic of Kazakhstan "Altyn Kitap", organized by the National Innovation Research Center "Bilim-Orkenieti", Nur-Sultan, reg. No. 15-0221053, February 21, 2021.

Activities in the service sector

  •  Member of the working group for the provision of services for scientific and consulting support of selection and breeding work with cattle of dairy and dairy-beef breeds. (contractual work with Viktorovskoye LLP, Zarya JSC, Saryagash LLP, etc.).

Training manuals

  • Papusha N.V. Kubekova B.Zh. Genetics (textbook) Kostanay. – 2018. – p. 80, approved. approved UMS KSU No. 4 dated 06/20/2018.
  • Shaikamal G.I. Papusha N.V. Kubekova B.Zh. Methods for assessing the breeding qualities of livestock (Tutorial) Kostanay. - 2020. - 97 p., approved. UMS KSU 06/24/2020, pr. No. 3.              
  • Dosumova A.Zh., Kubekova B.Zh., Bermagambetova N.N. Mehtik shikizattardyn tauartanuy (Tutorial) Kostanay. - 2022. - 169 p., approved. UMS KGU.


  • Ulyanov V. A., Kubekova B. Zh., Beishova I. N., Belaya E. V., Papusha N. V. Preferred and undesirable genotypes of bGH and bIGF-1 genes for the milk yield and quality of black-and-white breed // VW- Veterinary World. – 2021.- 14(5): 1202-1209. CiteScore 2020 – 0,55. SCOPUS [Rank: 38/183 (Q1)].
  • Growth and development of heifers of the Kazakh white-headed breed obtained from different genotypes / Dosumova A.Zh. //3i: intellect, idea, innovation. - 2017 - No. 3. pp.26-31.
  • Әr tүrlі atalyқ іzden taraғan қazaқtyң ақbas tұқymy bұқashyқtarynynң өнімділік sapasy / Naimanov D.K., Dosumova A.Zh. //3i: intellect, idea, innovation. - 2017 - No. 3. pp.51-56.
  • Milk productivity of black-motley record-breaking cows in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan / Papusha N.V., Kubekova B.Zh. / / Scientific and practical. Journal of the West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University named after Zhangir Khan / "Science and Education" special issue, devoted to intl. forum "Innovative development of animal husbandry", Uralsk 2018. - p. 123-126.
  • Selection indicators of dairy productivity of cowsunder the conditions of northern Kazakhstan/ Dosumova A.Zh., Papusha N.V., Kubekova B.Zh.// 3i: intellect, idea, innovation. -2019. -#2 - p. 71-76
  • Lactation boyinsha іrі қara tұқymynyң sүt үнімділігі / Naimanov D.K., Dosumova A.Zh. //3i: intellect, idea, innovation. – 2019 -№2. pp.65-69.
  • Morpho-functional properties of the udder of Holsteinized black-and-white breed cows under the conditions of Viktorovskoye LLP / Naimanov DK, Papusha NV// 3i: intellect, idea, innovation. -2020. –№3 – p.43-50.
  • Milk productivity of first-calf calves of the Holsteinized Black-and-White breed of different genotypes / Найманов Д.К., Папуша Н.В.// International scientific journal «Global science and innovations 2021: Central Asia» Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, February 2021-b.164-168.
  • Yakovchik N.S.Dosumova A.Zh./ Fundamentals of breeding Holstein cows of different genotypes //Agropanorama - 2021. - 3 (145). - With. 14-16 Journal impact factor in RSCI: 0.129
  • Naimanov D.K., Yakovchik N.S., Papusha N.V., Dosumova A.Zh./ Influence of genotypes of black-and-white cows on milk productivity and quality indicators of milk in the conditions of the Kostanay region of Northern Kazakhstan //Agropanorama - 2021 .-3 (145). - With. 17-22 Journal impact factor in RSCI: 0.129
  • Papusha N.V., Bermagambetova N.N., Kubekova B.Zh., Smailova M.N./ Chemical composition of cow milk as an indicator of nutritional content// 3i: intellect, idea, innovation. -2022. - No. 2 - p.59-60.
  • Papusha N.V., Bermagambetova N.N., Kubekova B.Zh., Smailova M.N./ Influence of the age of cows on indicators of reproductivity and milk productivity// 3i: intellect, idea, innovation. -2022. - No. 3 - p.142-148.

 National projects

  • Grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Development and implementation of a comprehensive program to increase the productive longevity of high-yielding cows of domestic selection”, junior researcher 2018-2020.
  • State budget program 212 "Scientific research and activities in the field of agro-industrial complex" of priority area No. 2 "Increasing the genetic potential of productivity, improving technologies for feeding, keeping and reproducing farm animals, birds, fish and bees in various regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan" under the project "Development and adaptation of modern technologies for increasing the genetic potential of dairy cattle in Kazakhstan”, performer 2013.
  • Grant of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan project PCF co-executors of the program BR10764965 "Development of technologies for keeping, feeding, growing and reproduction in dairy cattle breeding based on the use of adapted resource-energy-saving and digital technologies for various natural and climatic zones of Kazakhstan", junior researcher 2021-2023.