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Department of Food Security and Biotechnology

Naimanov Doskali Kurmashevich
Professor Position
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Scientific degree


  • 1963-1968 Kostroma Agricultural Institute «Karavaevo», spec. «Zootechnia», a scientist of zootechnics.
  • 1972-1975 Studied at the postgraduate school of the Kostroma Agricultural Institute and successfully defended his PhD thesis (June 1975) on the topic «Growth, development of Kostroma breed heifers with different feeding schemes».
  • 1998 Successfully defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic «Ways and methods of increasing the productivity of cattle in Northern Kazakhstan».
  • 2004 Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission.

Subjects taught

  • Breeding in animal husbandry

Work experience

  • 1968-1972 Worked in the specialty in the dairy cattle breeding zone of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • 1975-1978 Worked as a senior researcher at the breeding center for the improvement of the Kostroma breed at the Kostroma Agricultural Institute «Karavaevo».
  • Since February 1978, he has been working at the Kostanay State University named after A.Baitursynov.
  • During the period 1978-2009 he worked as an associate professor, head of the department and dean of the faculty.
  • 01.09.2009 - currently Professor of the Department of TPPJ, Kostanay Regional University.

Certificates/certificates of professional development

  • In March 2010, a training seminar on large-scale breeding was held in Astana. At the end of listening to this course, Professor D.K. Naimanov was issued a corresponding certificate.
  • Participation in the seminar «Development of beef cattle breeding in modern economic conditions» at the Center for the Dissemination of Knowledge «Kostanay» on August 23-27, 2010.
  • 2016-2017 Professional, pedagogical, and language skills improvement (36 hours).

Awards and prizes

  • Thanks were expressed from Kostanay Research Institute of Agricultural Enterprises, CRH «Kostanay» for the excellent work done to improve the skills of farmers, managers and specialists of agricultural enterprises.
  • For the achievements in the field of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, D.K. Naimanov was awarded the badge «For Merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan» on November 24, 2011.
  • In November 2011, Professor D.K. Naimanov was awarded the jubilee medal «20th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan».

Activities in the service sector 

  • At the end of 2009, the competitive projects «A new method in biotechnology – insemination of cattle with same-sex seed» and «Creation of a center for theory.and of specialists of the agroindustrial complex is a lie.methods of biotechnology of cattle reproduction» Naimanov D.K., Bisembayev A.T., Papusha N.V. These projects were considered in the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and passed for the second round.
  • From January 18 to January 23, 2010, boniter training courses were held at the Department of Food Production Technology, Professor D.K. Naimanov conducted classes on the organization of bonitization of dairy and beef cattle for specialists of economic formations of the Kostanay region.
  • Under the guidance of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor D.K. Naimanov, a business project «Dairy farm for 600 heads» was developed in June 2010 and presentations were prepared for it.
  • Was the moderator of the section «Strategic directions of the development of agricultural sciences» of the International Scientific and Practical Conference Baytursynov Readings-2011, held in March 2011.
  • Participation in the commission for the evaluation of bulls of the Auliekol breed on the quality of offspring: bulls Alasar 2024; Altyn 2001; Tabor 1778; Zodiac 1815; Moulin 1807; Gap 1818.
  • Under the scientific guidance of Professor Naimanov D.K., more than 11 long-term plans (2003-2010) of breeding and breeding work for breeding farms of Kostanay region have been developed.
  • Over the past 5 years, the following research work has been carried out and continues to be carried out: Improvement of black-and-white cattle in breeding farms of Viktorovskoye LLP of Taranovsky district, Zarya JSC of Mendykarinsky district, Saryagash LLP of Denisovsky district on dairy productivity, live weight and udder quality. Improvement of the Simmental breed of the farm of Batalinskoye LLP of the Denisovsky district. Improvement of the Kazakh white-headed breed in LLP «Adlet-T» of Taranovsky district, LLP «Budenovsky» of Mendykarinsky district, LLP «Tobolsk» of Denisovsky district. Improvement of the Auliekolskaya breed in Timofeyevka-Agro LLP of Auliekolsky district, Vostok-1 LLP of Mendykarinsky district.
  • Professor Naimanov D.K. is the head of the production group for the implementation of large-scale breeding in the field of dairy and beef cattle breeding in the Kostanay region. Within the framework of this program , the following farms were assigned to him: JSC «Zarya», LLP «Vostok-1», LLP «Budenovsky» of Mendykarinsky district; LLP «Adlet-T», LLP «Viktorovskoye», LLP «Asia-Altyn-2000» of Taranovsky district; LLP «Batalinskoye», LLP «Saryagash» of Denisovsky district. Timely visits to these farms were carried out with the relevant research work.
  • Under the guidance of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Naimanov D.K., applications for the following scientific and technical projects were prepared: «Improvement of factory and genealogical lines of the Kazakh white-headed breed», «Typification of Holstein black-and-white cows applied to the conditions of the dairy complex», «Use of same-sex (sexed) seed in insemination of cows and early diagnosis pregnancy of cows by enzyme immunoassay (ELISA)».
  • Also, at the request of farms, various recommendations, justifications and other documents were prepared during the reporting period, clarifying issues related to the conduct of breeding and zootechnical work in dairy and beef cattle breeding.


  • «Methods of increasing the productivity of cattle in Northern Kazakhstan» (1998).
  • «Herd horse breeding» (2018).

Training manuals

  • «Iri karamal sharuashylygy» (1996), this textbook was finalized and republished in 2006.,
  • Electronic textbook «Normative and methodological recommendations on the technology of primary processing of livestock products and raw materials in accordance with international problems» (2008);
  • «Technological equipment of meat farms» (2000),
  • «Certification and quality requirements for agricultural products of the Republic of Kazakhstan» (2002),
  • «Animal husbandry» (2005), «Mal sharuashalygy» (2007).
  • «Recommendations for improving the productivity of planned breeds of cattle of Kostanay region» (2006),
  • «Comprehensive analysis of the state of dairy cattle breeding» (within the framework of the pilot project of the dairy cluster, 2007),
  • «Recommendations for the development of a breeding work plan with dairy and dairy-meat cattle breeds» (1998)


  • Digestibility of nutrients in the diets of 6-month-old black-and-white heifers in Zarya JSC / D.Naimanov, N.Papusha // Bulletin of science of the Kazakh agrotechnical. S.Seifullin University 2009 No. 1 p.13-16
  • Identification of the most optimal period for obtaining young Simmental breed» / Naimanov D.K. N.Papusha // Multidisciplinary scientific journal 3 I – Intellect, idea, innovation 2011 No. 1 p.13-16.