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Department of Food Security and Biotechnology

Papusha Natalya Vladimirovna
Acting Associate professor Position
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Scientific degree
  • 2000-2005 Kostanay state University named after A. Baitursynov-specialty 450740-Agricultural breeding and biotechnology, qualification " Biotechnologist-breeder».
  • 2006-2010 Kostanay state University named after A. Baitursynov-postgraduate course in specialty 06.02.04. - Private zootechnics, technology of production of animal products.
  • 2010 Kazakh agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin, Astana, PhD thesis on "Intensive cultivation of holstinized black-and-white heifers to create a highly productive dairy herd", academic degree-candidate of agricultural Sciences.
Subjects taught
  • Genetics
  • General and molecular genetics
  • Cattle Breeding, milk and beef production technology
  • Modeling of the main technological processes in animal husbandry
  • Innovative technologies for the production of animal products
  • Genomic selection
  • Processes and devices in biotechnology
  • Cytology
  • Enzymology
  • Beekeeping technology
  • Fish farming technology
Work experience
  • 2020 – present – Acting Associate Professor of Kostanay Regional University named after A.Baitursynov of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • 2016- present associate Professor of Kostanay regional University named After A. Baitursynov.
  • 2011-2016 Senior lecturer of Kostanay state University named after A. Baitursynov.
  • 2013-2014 Deputy Dean for academic Affairs of the faculty of veterinary medicine and animal husbandry technology of Kostanay state University named After A. Baitursynov.
  • 2010-2013 Deputy Dean for research at the faculty of veterinary medicine and food technology of Kostanay state University named after A. Baitursynov.
  • 2009-2011 Lecturer of the Department of technology of production of animal products of Kostanay state University named after A. Baitursynov.
  • 2007-2009 Assistant of the Department of animal science and breeding of Kostanay state University named after A. Baitursynov.
Certificates/certificates of professional development 
  • 2013 Advanced training course "Organization, assessment of breeding value of agricultural animals", Certificate № 043-K-13, (Kostanay research Institute of agricultural Sciences, July 1-5, 40 hours).
  • 2014 Advanced training course " Selection and breeding work in animal husbandry. Assessment of the breeding value of the s-x-x. Use of IAS in animal husbandry", Certificate № 8-199-14-K, (a. Beskol, Sevkazniizhir LLP, August 4-8, 40 hours).
  • 2017 Seminar with Galiya Zamaratskaya "Agriculture, Innovations and Food Science" Continuing Education Certificate. (Kostanay - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, November 11.
  • 2017 Advanced training course "Creating educational video content" Certificate №719, Kostanay, KSU named after A. Baitursynov, (72 hours).
  • 2017 Seminar "Topical problems in the reproduction of" Kostanai LLP "Kazvernal" Certificate 28.02.2017.
  • 2017 Seminar "Management of feed planning; size of silage trenches; stock planning; feed dredging" Certificate of the international seminar DazNemAC February 23-24.
  • 2018 Advanced training course "Using the Web-integrated IAS system in the field of livestock breeding". Certificate № 102-K, a. Beskol Sevkazniizhir LLP, April 10-11, 16 hours.
  • 2018 Advanced training courses "Innovative technologies of personal-oriented learning in the educational process of higher education institutions", Certificate of professional development №. 1020 (Omsk, may 2018 72 hours).
  • 2018 Short-term professional development course "Management of the selection process in dairy cattle breeding" Certificate of LLP "Scientific and innovative center of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine "and ST "Genetics", 1.06.2018 (Astana, 8 hours).
  • 2018 Seminar "Application of digital technologies in the agro-industrial complex. The use of RFID ear tags" (Kostanay – NCE of Kazakhstan Atameken, 22.11.2018 ).
  • 2019 Training seminar "Uncertainty Assessment during calibration / verification of measuring instruments and product testing" (Nur-Sultan, April 2-4, 2019, certificate № 540, 24 hours).
  • 2019 Seminar "the Holding of regional (sectoral) workshops on the implementation of systems management at enterprise Management Gielen cseparated engso boiynsha imat (Sally) seminerleri tcso". (Kostanay, Kazinst, Certificate № 219, April 12, 2019).
  • 2019 International practical seminar "Linear assessment of the exterior of Holstein cattle" (German agricultural center "Daznemats" chaglinka village, Akmola region, certificate № 8, June 5-7, 2019, 24 hours).
  • 2019 Workshop "ST RK ISO/IEC 17025-2018" General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories " (Kostanay, Kazinst, certificate № 867, July 24-26, 2019, 24 hours).
  • 2019 Seminar "Аutomation with the basics of digitalization of technological processes in meat cattle breeding" (Kostanay, ZKATU named after Zhangir Khan, certificate №. 50, 27.09.2019).
  • 2019 Training for consultants on The topic "Dairy farming EBRD BAS", " Basics of Dairy Farming: TOT program in Kazakhstan "(Nur-Sultan, NCE "Atameken", the Training was conducted within the framework of the project of the Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the European Bank for reconstruction and development (EBRD) and the dairy Union of Kazakhstan "Sutpro"" Support for the development of inclusive milk supply chains in Kazakhstan-2 "(certificate dated October 16-17, 2019).
  • 2019 advanced training Courses "Modern principles of providing biologically complete feeding of cattle, correction of digestive and metabolic processes", Federal state budgetary INSTITUTION "Federal scientific center of animal husbandry – VIZ named after academician L. K. Ernst", Dubrovitsy village, Podolsk, Moscow region, certificate of advanced training № 502407034930, reg. number 0079, dated December 06, 2019, (December 1-6, 2019, 40 hours).
  • 2020 International practical seminar "Linear assessment of the exterior of Holstein cattle" (German agricultural center "DazNemAС" Chaglinka village, Akmola region, certificate №1, February 17-18, 2020, 16 hours).
  • 2020 Advanced training courses "Designing an educational course in Moodle" (Kostanay, March 26-April 16, 2020, 72 hours)
  • 2020 foresight session " Atlas of new professions and competencies in the agricultural sector "(Nur-Sultan certificate from August 12-14, 2020, 24 hours).
  • 2020 Republican seminar "GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2019" General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories " Internal audit. ST RK ISO 19011-2019 " Guidelines for audit of management systems "(Kazinst, 21, 24-25 August 2020, certificate №. 513, 24 hours).
  • 2020 Seminar "Training and advanced training of employees in the field of technical regulation, metrology and management systems" KazInSt, Kostanay, November 2-4, 2020, certificate No. 1255, 24 hours.
  • 2020 Seminar on animal husbandry "On the possibilities of preserving the Kustanai breed and measures of breeding work" LLP "Ak Kainur Agro", 04.12.2020 Reg. No. 203, 8 hours.
  • 2020 Seminar "Methodology and technology of webinars and videoconferences (Etutorium, BBB)", A.Baitursynov KRU December 2020, reg. No.1686, 36 hours.
  • 2021 Republican seminar "Measurement uncertainty assessment for Calibration/Calibration and Testing Laboratories" Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Metrology, February 24-26, 2021, Certificate No. 982-2021, 24 hours.
  • 2021 International webinar "Predatory journals: how to recognize them and how to avoid them?" Glarivate. Web of Science. Ukraine, 28.01.2021, 1 hour.
  • 2021 Course "English. Beginner Level" A.Baitursynov KRU Terms of study: 08.02.2021-30.04.2021, Reg.No.2954, 36 hours.
  • 2021 Distance professional development in publishing activity in highly rated international peer-reviewed journals, organized as part of the partnership program between the universities of Kazakhstan and the University of Minnesota the Kazakhstan-Minnesota Publishing Partnership (K-MAPP) (May 24-28, 2021, Certificate dated
  • 2021 Online seminar on teaching skills to work in various Codex platforms, organized by Codex-the contact point of the FAO/WHO Coordination Committee for Europe of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (15.10.2021, certificate).
  • 2022 Republican training seminar in the format of distance learning on the topic "Estimation of measurement uncertainty for calibration/calibration and testing laboratories", organized by the Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Metrology. (03/04/2022, certificate No. 2596-2022).
  • 2022 Distance training courses on the professional program "Methodology for assessing students' academic achievements at the university", conducted by the ANPOO "Multidisciplinary Academy of Continuing Education" (April 1-30, 2022, Russia, Omsk, certificate No. 01309, 72 hours).
  • 2022 Seminar on the topic "Development and application of electronic educational resources in the educational process" (A.Baitursynov KRU, January-May 2022, certificate No. 4455, 72 hours).
  • 2022 Advanced training courses "Green Innovations", organized within the framework of the ERASMUS+ project, Kyrgyzstan, Karakol, ISU named after K.Tynystanova, lecturer Dautova Zubida (March – June 2022, certificate).
  • 2022 Seminar on the topic "Technology of growing, keeping, feeding, milking cattle using innovative systems" P.Zarechnoye, LLP "SKOS Zarechnoye", August 2022 (certificate).
  • 2022 Online course "Dairy Production and Management" on the Coursera platform from The Pennsylvania State University, Duration – 8 weeks, Score: 97.63% (January – March 2022, certificate from 10/27/2022).
Membership in professional organizations
  • Chairman of the Council of Young scientists of KSU named after A. Baitursynov 2011-2014.
  • Registered researcher in the Ministry of agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the "Republican chamber for breeding black-and-white Holstein, Alatau, Simmental, aulieatinsky red steppe cattle breeds".
  • Member of the Committee on curricula and programs of the specialty "technology of production of animal products" and "Biotechnology" of the Baitursynov KR.
  • Member of the expert Commission of the educational and methodological Council (UMS) of the Baitursynov KRU.
  • Member of the Rums for the educational program " Biotechnology».
  • Expert of educational programs of higher and postgraduate education Of the center for the Bologna process and academic mobility of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the educational program "Biotechnology».
  • Expert of JSC "national center for state scientific and technical expertise" for conducting state scientific and technical expertise of scientific and technical projects and programs submitted within the framework of the PCF competition.
  • Reviewer of the journal 3i: intellect, idea, innovation.
Awards and prizes
  • Letter of thanks from Kostanay research Institute of agricultural industry "Kostanay".
  • Certificate of 2nd place with a prize of 200,000 tenge in the competition "Atameken Startup Weekend", Kostanay September 14-16, 2012.
  • Diploma of the rector of KSU named after A. Baitursynov Nametov a.m., October 22, 2012.
  • Diploma of the rector of KSU named after A. Baitursynov Valiev Kh., March 8, 2018.
  • Certificate of honor of KSU named after A. Baitursynov, October 2018.
  • Letter of gratitude from the state institution "Department of education of the Kostanay region akimat", reg. № 215 dated October 29, 2018.
  • Diploma of the 1st place of the Republican pedagogical competition "QAZAQSTAN PEDAGOGY", nomination "Best methodological development among teachers of sous/higher Education institutions", Astana reg.№ 0009, March 3-9, 2019.
  • Certificate of honor of akim of the region A. Mukhambetov, December 12, 2019.
  • 02.12.2020 – Badge "Uzdik teacher" from the Association of Teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • 09.12.2020 – Badge and the title "Best researcher" in the field of higher professional education from the Association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Activities in the service sector
  • Head of the working group for scientific and consulting support of breeding and breeding work with dairy and dairy-meat cattle. (contractual work with LLP "Viktorovskoe", JSC "Zarya", LLP "Saryagash", etc.).
  • April-may 2019 participated in the work of the Commission RGU "of Committee on control in education and science, Ministry of education and science of RK" on implementation of state control of RSE on PVC "Caspian state University of technologies and engineering named. Sh.Yessenov.
Training manuals
  • Papusha N. V., Rakhmetullina A. K. Fundamentals of biotechnology (textbook) Kostanay. - 2018. - p. 185 approved. UMS KSU named after A. Baitursynov, Protocol No. 2 of 27.02.2019.
  • Papusha N. V. Biometrics (textbook) Kostanay. - 2018. - p. 102, approved.MS Fuite No. 6 of 13.06.2018 G.
  • Shikama G. I. Papusha N. In. Kobekova B. J. Methods of evaluation of breeding qualities of livestock (textbook) Kostanay. - 2020. - 97 p., approved. UMS KSU 24.06.2020, Ave. 3.
Video lectures
  • DNA cloning methods, Kostanay, 2017 – - 15 min.CD-ROM. mp4 Approved. UMS of the University No. 4 from 14.06.2017
  • Methods of tagging cattle, Kostanay, 2018 – - 19 min.CD-ROM. mp4 225 MB UTV.UMS of the University No. 4 of 20.06.2018
Selection and breeding plans
  • Papusha N. V. plan of selection and breeding work with a herd of black-and-white cattle of Zarya JSC for 2016-2020, Kostanay, 2016. - 100 p.
  • Papusha N. V. plan of selection and breeding work with a herd of black-and-white cattle of Viktorovskoe LLP for 2017-2021, Kostanay, 2017. – 126 p.
  • Найманов Д.К., Папуша Н.В. Бермагамбетова Н.Н, Miciński J / Milk yield and chemical and mineral composition of milk from Kazakh black-variegated cows, offspring of holstein-friesian bulls from three lines// Journal of Elementology 21(3): 653-667. DOI: 10.5601.- 2016 CiteScore 2018- 0.86.
  • Папуша Н.В. Мочевина молока, как индикатор полноценности кормления коров черно-пестрой породы // Международный научно-исследовательский журнал. - № 7 (73). - июль 2018. – с.76-80.
  • Beishova I. S., Ulyanov V. A., Shaikamal G., Papusha N., Belaya E. V. Features of Holstein Cattle Bred in Kazakhstan by the Polymorphic Genes of the Somatotropin Cascade // Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences. – 2019. – V. 7(1). – P. 60-65. Процентиль журнала по CiteScore (Scopus) – 32-й. (Пакистан).
  • Shaikamal G., Papusha N., Musaeva G., Kazhiyakbarova A., Beishova I., Belaya A., Ulyanov V., Ulyanova T.Productive longevity of cows depending on the genotype of the growth Hormone Gene // Eco. Env. & Cons.- 2020. – V. 26 (4) - P.447-451. Процентиль журнала по CiteScore (Scopus) – 15-й. (Индия).
  • Ulyanov V. A., Kubekova B. Zh., Beishova I. N., Belaya E. V., Papusha N. V. Preferred and undesirable genotypes of bGH and bIGF-1 genes for the milk yield and quality of black-and-white breed // VW- Veterinary World. – 2021.- 14(5): 1202-1209. CiteScore 2020 – 0,55. SCOPUS [Rank: 38/183 (Q1)].
  • Линейная оценка первотелок разных генотипов в условиях ТОО «Викторовское» / Найманов Д.К., Папуша Н.В, Бермагамбетова Н.Н //3i: intellect, idea, innovation. – 2015 -№1. с.203-208.
  • Линейная оценка первотелок разных генотипов в условиях ТОО «Викторовское»/ Найманов Д.К., Я.Мичински, Папуша Н.В., Бермагамбетова Н.Н.// 3i: intellect, idea, innovation. -2015. –№2. - с.74-79.
  • Установление оптимальной структуры стада в молочных хозяйствах Костанайской области и взаимосвязь с уровнем молочной продуктивности коров/ Папуша Н.В., Кажиякбарова А. // 3i: intellect, idea, innovation. -2015. –№2 – с. 132-138.
  • Динамика изменения уровня молочной продуктивности коров черно-пестрой породы в ТОО «Викторовское» в условиях традиционной технологии ведения скотоводства/ Найманов Д.К., Папуша Н.В./ 3i: intellect, idea, innovation. -2017. –№1 – с. 175-181.
  • Влияние кормовой добавки «Пробитокс» на продуктивное здоровье птицы / Папуша А.В. , Папуша Н.В.// 3i: intellect, idea, innovation. -2017. –№3 – с. 71-76Молочная продуктивность коров рекордисток черно-пестрой породы в условиях Северного Казахстана/ Папуша Н.В., Кубекова Б.Ж// Научно-практ. журнал Западно-казахстанского аграрно-технического университета им.Жангир хана / «Наука и образование» спецвыпуск, посв. междунар. форуму «Инновационное развитие животноводства», г.Уральск 2018. – с. 123-126.
  • Selection indicators of dairy productivity of cowsunder the conditions of northern Kazakhstan/ Досумова А.Ж., Папуша Н.В., Кубекова Б.Ж.// 3i: intellect, idea, innovation. -2019. –№2 – с. 71-76.
  • Селекционные показатели коров голштинской и черно-пестрой пород в условиях Костанайской области/ Шайкамал Г.И., Папуша Н.В. Кажиякбарова А.Т.// 3i: intellect, idea, innovation. -2019. –№2 – с. 91-97.
  • Динамика молочной продуктивности коров черно-пестрой породы Костанайской области/ Папуша Н.В.// 3i: intellect, idea, innovation. -2020. –№2 – с.125-132.
  • Молочная продуктивность коров черно-пестрой породы в зависимости от генотипа / Папуша Н.В., Гуляева Е.В.// 3i: intellect, idea, innovation -2020. –№3 – в редакции
  • Папуша Н.В., Смаилова М.Н / Анализ живой массы 6-месячных телок черно-пестрой породы и выявление факторов, влияющих на данный показатель // 3i: intellect, idea, innovation. -2020. –№4 – с.47-53.
  • Папуша Н.В. Гуляева Е.В./ Morphological qualities of the udder of cross-bred black-and-white heifers//3i: intellect, idea, innovation. -2021. –№2 –с.20-25.
  • Найманов Д.К., Яковчик Н.С., Папуша Н.В., Кубекова Б.Ж., Досумова А.Ж./ Влияние генотипов коров черно-пестрой породы на молочную продуктивность и качественные показатели молока в условиях Костанайской области Северного Казахстана //Агропанорама – 2021. – 3 (145). – с. 17-22 Импакт-фактор журнала в РИНЦ: 0,129.
  • Papusha N.V., Muratov D.K./ Evaluation of the breeding value of holstein bulls of american breeding based on the BLUP method in the conditions of the Kostanay region //3i: intellect, idea, innovation. -2022. - №1 – с.23-29.
  • Папуша Н.В., Бермагамбетова Н.Н., Кубекова Б.Ж., Смаилова М.Н./ Chemical composition of cow milk as an indicator of nutritional content// 3i: intellect, idea, innovation. -2022. - №2 – с.59-66.
  • Папуша Н.В., Бермагамбетова Н.Н., Кубекова Б.Ж., Смаилова М.Н./ Influence of the age of cows on indicators of reproductivity and milk productivity// 3i: intellect, idea, innovation. -2022. - №3 – с.142-148.
 International project
  • Participant of project 544132-TEMPUS-1-2013-FR-Tempus-JPCR "Development and implementation of master's programs in food safety, production and marketing of Traditional food Products in Russia and Kazakhstan", 2013-2016.
National project
  • The grant of MES RK "Development and implementation of a comprehensive program to improve productive longevity of high yielding cows of native selection", responsible executor 2018-2020.
  • Grant of the Ministry of agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan PCF project "Improving the efficiency of breeding methods in cattle breeding / Project 2 Development of effective breeding methods in the dairy cattle industry / 2.1 Improvement of breeding programs for domestic dairy cattle breeds in Kostanay region", project performer 2018-2020.
  • State budget program 212 "Scientific research and activities in the field of agro-industrial complex" of priority direction No. 2 "Increasing the genetic potential of productivity, improving technologies for feeding, keeping and reproduction of farm animals, birds, fish and bees in various regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan "under the project" Development and adaptation of modern technologies to increase the genetic potential of dairy cattle in Kazakhstan", performer 2013.
  • Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 5284 for utility model 2019/0980.2. Biologically active feed additive to increase the productive longevity of a dairy herd of cattle [Text] - applicant and patent holder Musayeva G., Shaikamal G., Papusha N., Aitzhanova I., Kazhiyakbarova A., Khusainov D.; application 08. 11. 2019, publ. 14. 08. 2020.
  • Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 5487 for utility model 2020/0567.2 Device for circulating washing of an individual milk counter of milking units-authors Shaikamal G. I., Papusha N. V., Naimanov D. K., Musayeva G. K., Isintaev T. I.; application 11. 06. 2020, publ. 30.10.2020.
  • Grant of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan PCF project co-executors of the BR10764965 program "Development of technologies for maintenance, feeding, cultivation and reproduction in dairy cattle breeding based on the use of adapted resource-saving and digital technologies for various natural and climatic zones of Kazakhstan", 2021-2023.