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Department of Food Security and Biotechnology

Sagitova Gulnaz Sansyzbaevna
Senior Lecturer Position


  • 2006 Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov. Standardization and certification agricultural products.

Subjects taught

  • Fundamentals of technical regulation
  • Commodity science of food
  • Food Rheology
  • Standardization of flour and confectionery products
  • Technology of bread and bakery products
  • Confectionery technology;
  • Identification, falsification and labeling of goods
  • Testing, control and safety of products
  • Providing metrology with documentation
  • Processes and devices of food production
  • Fundamentals of technical regulation;
  • Metrology
  • Qualimetry

Certificates/certificates of professional development

  • "Management zhүyelerіn kasiporyndarғa engizu", сәуір 2019.
  • "Potential for biotechnological processing of waste from the mining industry, MSW and wastewater", 72 hours, December 2019.
  • "Technology for making crafts from puff pastry", 72 hours, January 2019.
  • Қazaқstandaғy Erasmus + Baғdarlamasynyң Ulttyk Keңesі A. Baytұrsynov atyndaғy ҚMU bіrlesіp Europalyқ Komissiyanyң Bilim, Audiovizualdyқ Құraldar zhane Madeniet zhөnendegі Atқaru Agenttіgіnің koldauymen ұyymdastyrlylғan "Bilim take baғdarlamalaryn әzerleudің zamanui tәsіlderі" atta aymaқtyқ seminar treningі, MES RK, KSU named A.Baitursynov, February 2020.
  • "Training and advanced training of employees in the field of technical regulation, metrology and management systems", 36 hours, November 2020.
  • "New technologies for the production of bakery products", 72 hours, November 2020.
  • “Fundamentals of distance learning Moodle. Introductory course, 36 hours, March 2020.
  • "Basics of designing a distance course in Moodle", 72 hours, March 2020.
  • Advanced training courses on the topic "New technologies for the production of bakery products", Altyn Nan LLP, 72 hours, November 2020;
  • "Methodology and technology for conducting webinars", 36 hours, December 2020.
  • PC courses on the topic: "Export control", 72 hours, Ural Federal University named after B.N. Yeltsin, February 2021.
  • "Measurement uncertainty assessment for verification / calibration and testing laboratories", Nur-Sultan, March 2022.

Training manuals

  • "NASSR principterin tamaқ onerkәіbіnde koldanu", Sagitova G. E., 2021.
  • "Qualimetry" (electronic textbook), Sagitova G. E., Mukhamedov T. A., 2021.