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Department of Food Security and Biotechnology

Saidov Anzor Musaevich
Senior Lecturer Position
Master of Economic Sciences Academic degree


  • 2011 Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov. 5B072800 – Technology of processing industries.
  • 2013 Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after M. Dulatov. 6M050700 - Management.
  • 2017 South Ural State Agrarian University. 06.38.01- Economics and management in the agro-industrial complex .

Subjects taught

  • Processes and devices for food production
  • Organization of the work of enterprises for the processing of grain into flour
  • Technological machines and equipment for processing industries
  • Pasta production technology
  • Technology of bakery production
  • Confectionery production technology
  • Equipment for bakery, pasta and confectionery production
  • Research methodology

Certificates/certificates of professional development

  • Refresher courses on the topic "Sweet table and organization of the process" IP "GURME" Certificate 72 hours, February 2019 2 Refresher courses ISO 14000.
  • "Environmental Management System", Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after M. Dulatov / Certificate 72 hours, March 2019.
  • Advanced training courses on the topic "Effective approaches to the development of modern information systems" Ural Federal University / Certificate 72h, March 2019.
  • Refresher courses on the topic “Technologies and equipment of grain processing enterprises” LLP “CombinatZernoProduktov” / Certificate 72 hours, November 2019.
  • Advanced training courses "Labeling of food products" Interstate technical committee for standardization MTK-534 "OBSPPS" / Certificate 72 hours, January 2019.
  • Advanced training courses KaSIPKOR "Distance learning in organizations of technical and vocational, post-secondary education: from content creation to organization of the educational process" / Certificate 36 hours, May 2020 May 2020.
  • International Summer School "Technologies of Agro-Processing" KazNAU named after. Al-Farabi/Certificate 72, June 2020.
  • "Export control", 72 hours, Ural Federal University named after B.N. Yeltsin, February 2021.
  • "Development of standardization documents for new materials, products, methods", Nur-Sultan, March 2022.

Training manuals

  • "Technology of pasta production" (textbook), Saidov A.M., Aubakirova G.E., 2019 (ISBN).
  • "Production of chocolate and chocolate products at a modern confectionery factory" (manual), Saidov A.M., Sadykov T.M. 2019 (ISBN) , 2020 RUMS MES RK.
  • Guidelines for the student of the advanced training course for teachers and equivalent persons of organizations of technical and vocational education under the program "Modern approaches in training personnel in the field" Catering", Saidov A.M., Kalitka D.A., 2019 "Kasipkor".
  • "Processing and storage of crop products" (tutorial), Saidov A.M., 2020 (ISBN).
  • "Methodology of scientific research" (textbook), Saidov A.M., 2020 (ISBN).
  • "Marketing and branding in the food industry" (textbook), Saidov A.M., 2020 (ISBN).
  • "Processes and apparatuses of food production" (textbook), Saidov A.M., 2020 (ISBN).
  • "Technological machines and equipment for processing industries" (textbook), Saidov A.M., 2020 (ISBN).
  • "Testing, control and safety during the acceptance and storage of grain (educational manual)", Saidov A.M., 2020 (ISBN).
  • "Macaron onimderin ondir tehnologisy" (textbook), Saidov A.M., Aubakirova G.E., 2020 (ISBN), 2020 RUMS MES RK.
  • Tamaқ ӛnerkәsіbіndegі marketing zhane branding, Saidov A.M., 2021 (ISBN).
  • Gylymi zertteuler adisnamasy, Saidov A.M., 2021 (ISBN).
  • "Osimdik sharuashylygy önіmderіn ңңdeu zhane saktau" (textbook) Saidov A.M., Zhangabylova N.D., Eseeva G.K., 2021 (ISBN), 2021 RUMS MES RK.
  • “Tamaқ ondіrіsіnіn protsesstery men apparatus (tutorial), Saidov A.M., Amanzhol B., Alseitov K.S., 2021 (ISBN), 2021 RUMS MES RK.
  • "Ondeu ondiristerinin tekhnologiyalyk machinalary zhane zhabdyktary", (textbook), Saidov A.M., Zhangabylova N.D., Balguzhinova Zh.E. , 2021 (ISBN), 2021 RUMS MES RK.
  • Processes and devices of processing industries (electronic manual), 2021 RUMS MES RK.
  • Technological machines and equipment of processing industries (electronic manual), Saidov A.M., Balguzhinova Zh.E., Zhangabylova N.D., 2021 RUMS MES RK.


  • The dual system efficiency of human capital formation of the republic of kazakhstan agroindustrial complex/ ECOLOGICAL AGRICULTURE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (Web of Science by Clarivate-Analytics) January 2019.
  • "Zhemis zhane kökönіs untaқtarynyn erekshelіkterі zhane olardy confectionery onnimder ondirіsіnde paidalanu" / Proceedings of the IV International scientific-practical conference of students and young scientists "Methodology, theory and practice of modern biology, March 2019.
  • Toqash onimderin polikanykpagan may kyshkyldarymen bayytu prospects-valary" / Collection of materials of the IV International scientific-practical conference of students and young scientists "Methodology, theory and practice of modern biology, March 2019.
  • "Rheological properties of dough from triticale flour", KKSON, Scientific journal "MECHANICS and TECHNOLOGIES" - Taraz State University. M.Kh.Dulati.-Taraz, March 2019.
  • "Kant biscuits zhemis zhane kokunis kospalarymen bayytu" / KKSON, Scientific journal "MECHANICS and TECHNOLOGIES" - Taraz State University named after. M.Kh.Dulati.-Taraz, March 2019.
  • "Bidai ynynyn tagamdyk kundylygyn arttyru ushin zhұқa untaktalgan kebekti paidalanudy negizdeu", / KKSON, Scientific journal "MECHANICS and TECHNOLOGIES" - Taraz State University named after. M.Kh.Dulati.-Taraz, March 2019.
  • "Increase of food and biological value of macaroni products using pea isolate", / KKSON, Scientific journal "MECHANICS and TECHNOLOGIES" - Taraz State University. M.Kh.Dulati.-Taraz, March 2019.
  • "Increasing the productivity of the GUAR-30 truck unloader by upgrading it", / KKSON, Scientific journal "MECHANICS and TECHNOLOGIES" - Taraz State University. M.Kh.Dulati.-Taraz, March 2019.
  • Study of the chemical composition and safety of triticale confectionery flour, / Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference "Innovative development of the food, light industry and hospitality industry", October 2019.
  • "Development of the recipe of bakery products of increased food value", / KKSON, Scientific journal "Bulletin of the Shakarim State University of Semey", June 2019.
  • "The influence of ascorbic acid on the quality of baking flour used in the production of pasta", / KKSON, Scientific journal "Bulletin of the Shakarim State University of Semey", June 2019.
  • "Omega - 3 polikanykpagan may kyshkyldarymen bayytylgan nan recepturasyn azirleu zhane olardyn daiyn onimnin sapasyna aseri" / KKSON, Scientific journal "Bulletin of the State University named after Shakarim of the city of Semey", June 2019.
  •  “Nan-toқash onimderіn қaraқұmyқ ұnymen bayytu perspectivalary”, / KKSON, Scientific journal “Bulletin of the State University named after Shakarim of the city of Semey”, June 2019.
  • "Kazakhstan republicasynda astykty terenң ondeudі damytudyn negіzdemesi men perspektivealary", / KKSON, Scientific journal "MECHANICS and TECHNOLOGIES" - Taraz State University. M.Kh.Dulati.-Taraz, June 2019.
  • “Omega 3 May қyshқyldarymen bayytylғan tagamdyқ құndylygy zhogary әmbebap ashhytқysyz nan recepturasyn AZIRLEU”, / KKSON, Scientific journal “MECHANICS and TECHNOLOGIES” - Taraz State University. M.Kh.Dulati.-Taraz, June 2019.
  • “Et delicatesterin organoleptical kasietterin zhaksartu adisterin zertteu”, / KKSON, Scientific journal “MECHANICS and TECHNOLOGIES” - Taraz State University named after. M.Kh.Dulati.-Taraz, June 2019.
  • Dual training systems as an effective mechanism for the formation of human capital in the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Efficiency of the dual training system and its testing at a particular enterprise) / ECONOMICS OF AGRICULTURAL AND PROCESSING ENTERPRISES.
  • Evaluation of the nutritional value of bread enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids / Materials of the International Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Research and Facts", February 2020.
  • Evaluation of physical and chemical indicators of the quality of biscuits based on vegetable and fruit additives. Materials of the International Student Scientific and Practical Conference "World of Research", February 2020.
  • Deforestation - an actual problem of ecology / Materials of the V International scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists "Methodology, theory and practice of modern biology", March 2020.
  • Fires - a global problem of the XXI century / Materials of the V International scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists "Methodology, theory and practice of modern biology", March 2020.
  • "Omega - 3 polykanykpagan mai kyshkyldarymen bayytylgan nan recepturasyn azirleu" / KKSON, Scientific journal "MECHANICS and TECHNOLOGIES" - Taraz State University named after. M.Kh.Dulati.-Taraz, April 2020.
  • "Prospects for the production of a new type of wheat flour of increased food value" / KKSON, Scientific journal "MECHANICS and TECHNOLOGIES" - Taraz State University. M.Kh.Dulati.-Taraz, April 2020.
  • "Improving the quality of pasta products by adding askorbinic acid to the dough" / KKSON, Scientific journal "MECHANICS and TECHNOLOGIES" - Taraz State University. M.Kh.Dulati.-Taraz, June 2020.
  • "Development of a recipe for a universal handless bread with omega 3 fatty acids" / KKSON, Scientific journal "MECHANICS and TECHNOLOGIES" - Taraz State University. M.Kh.Dulati.-Taraz, June 2020.
  • “The study of the bread quality of high nutritional value using grain mixtures”/ International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Current Issue. Skopus, 2020.
  • Methods of production and quality indicators of apple jam/ Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science and Technology. world studies”, June 2020.
  • Technology for the production of sugar-free pastila of high nutritional value / Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science and Technology. world studies”, June 2020.
  • Development of the formulation of cereal bars of natural origin / Materials of the V international scientific-practical conference “Science and technology. world studies”, June 2020.
  • Quality indicators of fruit marmalade based on lingonberry pectin / Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science and Technology. world studies”, June 2020.
  • Abai nuscaularynyts k;az1rp zamanyndata ezektshp / COLLECTION OF MATERIALS of the International Scientific and Practical Conference HERITAGE OF ABAY IN THE POLYETHOCULTURAL WORLD.
  • Abay in the modern world / COLLECTION OF MATERIALS of the International scientific-practical conference HERITAGE OF ABAY IN THE POLITECULTURAL WORLD
  • "Nan-toqash onimderinin azyktyk kundylygyn arttyru" / KKSON, Scientific journal "MECHANICS and TECHNOLOGIES" - Taraz State University. M.Kh.Dulati.-Taraz, September 2020.
  • "Development of a bread recipe with the addition of chickpea flour" / KKSON, Scientific journal "MECHANICS and TECHNOLOGIES" - Taraz State University. M.Kh.Dulati.-Taraz, September 2020.
  • Analysis of the chemical composition of vegetable oils and fats and their effect on the human body / KKSON, Scientific journal "MECHANICS and TECHNOLOGIES" - Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulati.-Taraz, April 2021.
  • Өsіp-öngen bidai dаninіnің ұnymen bayytylғan nan-toқash ҩnіmderі / KKSON, Scientific journal "MECHANICS and TECHNOLOGIES" - Taraz State University named after. M.Kh.Dulati.-Taraz, April 2021.
  • Influence of nettle powder additive on bread quality indicators / KKSON, Scientific journal "MECHANICS and TECHNOLOGIES" - Taraz State University. M.Kh.Dulati.-Taraz, June 2021.
  • Development of a recipe for pasta with the addition of whole grain flour / KKSON, Scientific journal "MECHANICS and TECHNOLOGIES" - Taraz State University. M.Kh.Dulati.-Taraz, June 2021.